Why invest in a motion content strategy?
Video commands attention and can be used across a range of channels – especially on social media, where it draws in new audiences and introduces them to your brand.
But it has to be done right. Poorly edited talking heads will be scrolled past without a second thought. As will any other video that doesn’t immediately hook viewers.
It needs to be clear to anyone that stumbles across your campaign why they should continue watching.
Do that, and your message will be seen, shared and commented on countless times over.
What is our online video advertising process?
Our video process is split into two stages: thinking and doing. Thinking begins with a workshop where we get to grips with your objectives. Once we’ve nailed them down, we start creating concepts.
These concepts allow you to choose a direction – one that best suits your brand and delivers on your business aims. After you’ve made your selection, we’ll send over mood and storyboards to help you visualise every detail of the finished product.
From here, we start doing. We’ll put you in touch with directors and production companies that will best deliver your chosen concept.
We have a number of partner video production agencies in Manchester to ensure your campaign is carried out to the highest possible standards. And we’ll be on hand at every stage to guide them in your initial vision.